Keynote-addresses and invited lectures
- Invited speaker at the Annual General Meeting of Austrian Shopping Centre Association (3. May 2012, Graz)
Presentation: “Ordnung und Sicherheit in Einkaufszentren“
- Invited speaker at the Annual Security Conference at Danube University (27. Oct. 2011, Krems)
Presentation: „Soziale Morphologie in der Sicherheitsgesellschaft“.
- Invited speaker at the Annual Security Conference at Danube University (28. Oct. 2010, Krems)
Presentation: „Problemzonen der Stadt - Kriminalprävention und Sicherheitsmanagement als Planungsauftrag“.
- Invited speaker at the “17. Symposium Sicherheit”, organised by S.OM Sparkassen Real Estate Management (Erste Bank) (13.-15. Oct. 2010, Vienna).
Presentation: „Sicherheitsmanagement im Sozialraum am Beispiel ‚Tatgelegenheitsstrukturen und Bankraub’“.
- Invited speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems (ACUNS): New Security Challenges (3.-5. June 2010, Vienna).
Presentation: “Changing Concepts: Security and the Built Environment”.
- Invited speaker at the ”5th Forum Building Science” at the Department of Building and Environment, Danube University Krems (4. May 2010)
Presentation: "Kriminalpräventive Gestaltung und Organisation von Gebäuden, Anlagen und Infrastrukturen".
- Invited guest-speaker at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds
Presentation: “Death and Life of a Great European Standard: Crime Prevention by Urban Planning and Design” (24. Nov. 2009)
- Invitation as discussant at the final project workshop: Sicherheit und Integration im Sozialraum. University of Cologne (15.-16. Feb. 2009, Cologne)
- Invited guest speaker at CEPS-seminar (Centre of Excellence for Policing and Society) at Griffith University Brisbane, Australia. (14. May 2009)
Paper presentation: “Urban Criminology: Crime Prevention and the Sociology of Urban Space”.
- Invited guest speaker at the ICA Regional CPTED Forum in Ipswich, Australia. (12.-13. May 2009)
Presentation: “Governance of CPTED in Europe: Fragmentation or Standardisation?”
- 5th CEPOL Conference on Police Science and Research, Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei Münster (12.-14. Sept. 2007; Münster, Germany).
Speech and Comment to Prof. G. Jaschke: "A European Approach to Police Science"
- Key-note speaker at the Symposium: “Die Sichere Stadt als Interdisziplinäre Aufgabe”; Landespräventionsrat Niedersachsen. (13.-14. Dec. 2006; Lingen / Ems, Germany).
Keynote-Speech: „Schutz durch Gestaltung: Auf dem Weg zu einem Europäischen Standard Sicherer Stadtumwelten“
- EU-Project Conference (AGIS): Crime Opportunity Profiling of Streets (COPS). (30. Sept. 2005, London).
Keynote-Speech: “Evaluation-Research for CPTED: Crime Analysis, Implementation, Outcome”
- Assistant to the co-ordinator of the CEPOL European Police Science and Research Conference 2004. (9.–12. Nov. 2004; Prague, Czech Republic).
Chair and presentation of conclusions.
Regular paper presentations at annual conferences of the European Society of Criminology from 2006 – 2011 (Tübingen, Bologna, Edinburgh, Ljubljana, Liege, Vilnius)